Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Rev. Robert Johansen on Terri Schiavo on National Review Online

Rev. Robert Johansen on Terri Schiavo on National Review Online provides interesting details, among them:

  1. Terri has not had an MRI or PET scan -- standard, non-invasive tests for determining actual damage. Remarks such as "Terri's cerebral cortex tissues have deteriorated entirely and are replaced by fluid" are suppositions, not measurables.

  2. Fifteen board-certified neurologists called for additional testing in the appeal that Judge Greer just dismissed.

  3. The star expert witness for Michael Schiavo and George Felos, Dr. Ronald Cranford, is an activist in the "right-to-die"/physician-assisted suicide movement, one who is on record for advocating the starvation of Alzheimer’s patients. He previously surfaced in the Nancy Cruzan case, advocating that she, too, be starved (in Cruzan's case, he advocated withholding spoon-feeding).

Please keep praying, emailing, writing.

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